Memorial Spaceflights

Bill Farmer

"Stairway to the Stars"
1910 - 1995

"In life, Bill Farmer's spirit sought the vastness of outer space with all its challenges, mysteries, and opportunities. In death, he'll finally reach his destination."

--The Star Press, October 22, 1996. 

Bill Farmer was an avid astronomer, active in life extension research, and the founder of the Universal Knowledge Foundation of San Bernardino, California. As a director of the Foundation, he interacted with scientists and philosophers around the world, providing a perspective that looks to knowledge and human wisdom as the means to humanity's betterment. He was listed in the 1962-63 edition of Leaders in American Science.

A native of Oklahoma, Mr. Farmer was a businessman and philosopher. He moved to San Bernardino, California in the 1940s where he owned a number of businesses, including an advertising company, a vending machine company, and a custom drapery firm. He also worked as a realtor and radio commentator.

Surviving Mr. Farmer are three daughters and two sons-in-law; eight grandchildren; and eleven great grandchildren.


. . . and the day will come . . . when the solar system will be little remembered; as are the seas from whence we came, and the name of earth will be seldom used, unless by some god like creature narrating a fading legend, about a little world outgrown . . . far away among the stars . . .
We must not fail -- "so much to do -- so little done" 

--Bill Farmer
Universal Knowledge Foundation

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