The Meaning of Celestis Memorial Spaceflights

Celestis Memorial Spaceflights are a uniquely compelling way to remember, celebrate, and commemorate a life. Choosing a Celestis flight for yourself or a loved one accomplishes much more as well.
For the families: Attending a Celestis launch event brings together people from all over the world for a shared commemorative event.
A chance to make new friends, to share stories about a loved one on board, and to witness – often for the first time – the power and grandeur of a launch into space is something that is cherished for years. These special memories, connections, and joys help in so many ways to lessen the loss that we feel. During the three-day launch event, there is time for reflection, healing, and celebration. A Celestis launch is truly the ultimate memorial service.
For the commercial space industry: For many, the growth of a new commercial space industry is an important means of advancing humanity’s movement into space. Choosing a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight for yourself or a loved one generates increased needs for commercial space transportation services, accelerating the day when launches into space become as routine as today’s airline services, and further enabling this “New Space” revolution. Celestis has been honored for its contributions to the growth of commercial space by the Space Frontier Foundation and the National Space Society.
For the world: Since its founding, Celestis has recognized the opportunity, and the responsibility, to support a range of activities and charities devoted to advancing the human condition on Earth and in space. Celestis contributes cash and in kind resources to a variety of organizations including the XPrize Foundation, the Deke Slayton Museum and Center for Brain Cancer Research, the Houston Urban Debate League, Primarily Primates, the Wildlife Way Station, Cowboys for Kids, the Frank J. Redd Scholarship for Small Satellite Excellence at Utah State University, CARE tsunami relief, and the Zia Tribe Scholarship Fund. We’ve also sponsored a student to attend Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama.