Memorial Spaceflights

Enterprise Flight Participants

See the life stories of those on board The Enterprise Flight.

  • Steven K. Simmons
    "Voyage to Alpha Centauri"
  • Alfred C. "Tuna" Snider
    "Replacing weapons with words"
  • Clarence E. Snyder, Jr.
    "Do not go gentle into that good night"
  • Sidney Dale Sorenson, Jr.
  • Peter Sotiropoulos-Tunn
    "Time is a Flat Circle."
  • Robert S. South
    "The Ultimate E-Ticket"
  • Randall Standish
  • Patrick Michael Stoddard
    "You are love. You are light."
  • Daniel Nicholas Teichman
    "*Serenity Courage Wisdom*"
  • Mitchell Thomas, Jr.
    "Real Stars! We Love You!"
  • Brandon Elliot Toh
    "Up 2 the Sky Waving Bye So Happy"
  • Dr. Nolan R. Walborn
    "Stardust to Stardust"
  • Dr. David C. and Liliane Webb
    "Onward & upward David & Liliane; Aisling go braugh"
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