Memorial Spaceflights

Puran Ramchandani

"Tonu, Chichi, Mama - Love you"
1949 - 2001

My father was a man full of love, strength, and ambition. With a heart bigger than the world itself my father comforted his relatives, friends, and family. He started working in the business world at the early age of 18 and worked hard day and night every day since. My father enjoyed traveling, Hindi music and movies, and most of all putting smiles on the faces of his loved ones. He taught his two sons Dinesh and Rishi and his wife Shalini all about the world and how to survive in it. He made us into strong and noble people who will now be able to survive in his shadow.

However, at such a young age he lived with a serious heart condition and diabetes for fifteen years. He struggled at times in and out of hospitals - even going through quintuple by-pass surgery, which gave him five more years of life. Yet his valiant struggle with his afflictions eventually led him to a stress-free place with the gods.Puran Ramchandani symbol

- Tonu, Chichi, Mama, all love you! -

Daddy thanks for the world, now here's the world for you. - Rishi Ramchandani

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