Memorial Spaceflights

Robert Jay Moyer, Jr.

"To Infinity & Beyond"
1951 - 2020

A shooting star has burned out too soon. Bob was called home to heaven. Heaven has received an unstoppable man with a beautiful smile and warm hugs. Just as stars light the sky Bob lit up the world with his unique sense of humor and his laughter. As a family, a huge hole has been made that can never be filled by another. We may not understand why you left this earth so soon or why you left before we were ready to say goodbye. We will remember that you lived and your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.

He loved all of the people in his life especially his sister, Laura, and her children, Jay and James.

He had a special place in his heart for the kids that became family in other ways; Janna, Keith, Nicci, Jennifer, and Terry.

His memories will live on in his children, RJ, Bert, and Lindsay. His six beautiful grandchildren, Madeline, Desmond, McKenna, Alexandra, Bertram, and Connor. He left behind an amazing wife, Janet Moyer, who will forever be his rock and the rock of this family.

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