Being one with the cosmos on an infinite journey among the stars

by Diana Ionescu, contributing writer
"[The rocket] will free man from his remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet. It will open to him the gates of heaven." — Wernher von Braun
When you choose a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight, you can fulfill the dream of being one with the cosmos, journeying forever among the stars. For those of us who harbor a lifelong fascination with the wonders of the universe, there is no more thrilling final adventure than spending eternity flying through space.
Space travel inspires millions of children to study science and pursue careers in astronomy and astrophysics. Watching a rocket launch, whether in person or on TV, is a thrill like no other. For many who spend hours staring at the infinite sky and wondering what’s up there, traveling to space remains an unfulfilled dream. With a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight, anyone can take the journey and become an eternal part of the cosmos. Your friends and loved ones will experience the thrill and power of a rocket launch knowing that you’re on your way to join the stars.
As insatiably curious and driven creatures, we humans can’t help but explore every frontier. From the journey across the Bering Strait 16,000 years ago to Lewis and Clark’s expedition across America, we constantly strive to know what’s on the other side of the next hill, the next mountain range, the next ocean. We build increasingly complicated machines to carry us across increasingly vast distances and gain entry into environments unsuited to the human body. Lack of oxygen, extreme temperatures, g-forces: we’ve conquered them all.
Today, we yearn to learn more about the farthest reaches of space. Ever since Yuri Gagarin first broke free of Earth’s gravity and saw the globe from above, we have marveled at the vastness of the space that surrounds our tiny, blue planet. As part and parcel of the universe, made of the same basic elements and intricate processes as the stars we gaze at each night, we long to feel one with the cosmos. Although our interstellar neighbors appear unimaginably distant, we’re all part of the same universal fiber.
The Celestis Launch Experience
For your loved ones, your Celestis Memorial Spaceflight will be an unforgettable experience. Over three days, they’ll have the opportunity to tour the launch facilities, hear astronauts and scientists speak about their experiences in space, and form bonds with other Celestis families. They’ll learn about the scientific aims of the mission you’re joining and get an up-close look at mission control, the launch pad, and the launch vehicle that will carry you into space.
Contact us for more information or to receive launch updates
Each Celestis launch honors a select group of exceptional individuals who, each in their way, devoted their lives to exploration and adventure. We’re here to help celebrate extraordinary lives with an extraordinary memorial that will leave a lasting legacy. Your loved ones will say goodbye as they watch a spectacular display of human audacity and scientific innovation. Few of us get to witness the magic of a space launch firsthand. Even fewer can do so knowing that a symbolic portion of our loved one is aboard, making their way to an eternal journey among the stars.
Pre-arrange a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight
Whether you select a mission that orbits the Earth, takes you to the Moon, or sends you on an infinite pilgrimage into deep space, your family will witness the unmatched power and drama of blastoff. Discuss a Celestis Memorial Spaceflight with your family today and make sure your final wishes are clear. They’ll appreciate the peace of mind and security of a prearranged memorial plan, and you can rest assured knowing your final wishes will be honored.
When you prearrange a Memorial Spaceflight, you’ll also protect yourself against future cost increases and secure your place on a mission of your choice. You and your family will also receive invitations to Celestis launches and special events so you can get a taste of the Memorial Spaceflight experience and meet aerospace luminaries.